Sunday, February 3, 2013

My New Roommate

He's a weird guy. Last night me and my ex-girlfriend pulled up to the trailer I live in and we were fighting in her car about whether Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos are vegan. I was about to deliver the coup de grace to her counterargument when I noticed my roommate pacing back and forth in front of his bathroom mirror like a madman. He was pointing all over the place and whispering something, and there were little spit bubbles forming on the edges of his mouth. We stopped fighting immediately. This went on for like, thirty minutes, and he definitely wasn't listening to music because he told me the first time I met him that he doesn't listen to music. I wonder who he's mad at, himself... or is he mad at someone who can't help living with him and doesn't deserve to wake up in the middle of the night holding onto the blade of a long knife that's been plunged into my stomach, pinning me to the bed? Oh God I'm freaked out now, maybe I should ask if I can crash at my ex-girlfriends place until the heat dies down. If you're reading this and you're my ex-girlfriend, I'm willing to concede that Doritos Locos Tacos might contain animal products.

p.s. I hope you're not reading this if you're my roommate

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